Our goal is to build a “relationship” with the horse and have them become a partner with us because of our relationship, leadership and their trust in our leadership. We do not want the horse to exhibit a fearful response or react from the fear of what may be done to them if they don’t do what is asked of them. Understanding the various personality traits of horses aids us in understanding how to lead them with fairness and to recognize what type of leadership they require, in that moment.
There is an art to being firm when needed, and yet sensitive enough to reward even the slightest try. You will hear me often talk about “Setting the horse up for success”. Horses are motivated by pressure but it is the release that teaches them what they are doing is desired. Understanding timing is key. Timing is something that is not easily taught and better learned through experience.
Horses are extremely in tune to the world around them. They function as prey animals and the leadership required for them changes in various settings. This is why communication and relationship is key in being successful with horses.
Horses have the ability to teach us things about ourselves that we might not have otherwise realized. They can be a powerful reflection of our emotions and leadership skills. They are quick to change when we change.
Our Relational Horsemanship classes start on the ground and teach you the basic concepts of communicating with your horse. We help you discover the personality of your horse and help you learn the best to method to communicate with them. We encourage you to become the leader your horse needs and respects.
The goal is Partnership through Relationship.